| Thumb |
Description |
Linked to |
1851 |
| Sépulture FX Champagne aout 1897
1852 |
| Sepulture Isaie Lafleche
1853 |
| Sépulture Joséphine Champagne 1882
1854 |
| Sépulture Pierre Champagne 1896 Ottawa
1855 |
| Severe Whissell bapteme 1862
1856 |
| Severe Whissell sepulture 1862
1857 |
| Sharon and Joanne Sallows
1858 |
| Sharon and Joanne Sallows The beautiful Sallows sisters, circa 1965 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1859 |
| Sharon Sallows
1860 |
| Sharon Sallows 1949- (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1861 |
| Shawn Whissell 1969-2005
1862 |
| Sheryl Berezin, Zelda Berezin, Enid Berezin, Jacques Lavoie, Eugenie Lavoie, Edgar Lavoie
Wedding of Enid & Jacques, May 30th, 1975, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1863 |
| Shirley Gooderham
1864 |
| Shirley Gooderham
1865 |
| shirley_pat_wed3.jpg
1866 |
| Simeon Lavoie
bapteme 1866
1867 |
| Simon Lavoie - M-Genevieve BEAUTRON-DIT-MAJOR mariage
1868 |
| Simon Lavoie - M-Genevieve BEAUTRON-DIT-MAJOR
1869 |
| Simon Lavoie bapteme 1836
1870 |
| Simone Barbe sepulture 1943
1871 |
| Solange Morin 1927-2000
1872 |
| Solange Morin 1927-2000
1873 |
| Sonya Larose
1874 |
| Sonya Larose
1978- (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1875 |
| Sophie Lavoie - Olivier Fortier
1876 |
| Sophie Whissell sepulture 1867
1877 |
| St Augustin de Maures cadastres 1709
1878 |
| St Augustin du 27 septembre 1762
Echange de droits
successifs entre Charle
Tinon dit Desroches
Augustin LaVoye
habitant de St Augustin
du 27 septembre 1762
J Gouget, notaire
1879 |
| St-Augustin de Demaure cadastre 1709 Gédéon de Catalogne
1880 |
| St-Augustin de Demaure cadastre 1709 Gédéon de Catalogne
1881 |
| Stalislas Lavoie - Adelaide Wolfe mariage
1882 |
| Standing, LtoR, Enid Berezin Lavoie, Jacques Lavoie, Natalie Lavoie (Jacques' Daughter from first marriage) Michel Rivet Lavoie (Natalie's son and Enid & Jacques' grandson). (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1883 |
| Stanislas Abel Whissell bapteme 1874
1884 |
| Stanislas Lavoie 1869-1932
1885 |
| Stanislas Lavoie bapeme 1825
1886 |
| Stasnislas Lavoie - Philomene Bertrand
1887 |
| Stéphane Whissell, fils de Zacharie Whissell
1888 |
| Stephen T Druse tombstone husband of Mary Louise Avery
1889 |
| Stokes headstone
1890 |
| Sudbury, Ontario
1891 |
| Suzanne Delavoye - Jean Tesson
contrat de mariage - Becquet - 24 aout 1666
1892 |
| Suzanne Lavoye bapteme 1650 Aytré, France
1893 |
| Suzanne Whissell bapteme 1954 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1894 |
| Sylvie Larose
1965- (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1895 |
| Sylvie Larose
1896 |
| Terre ancestrale seigneurie de DeMaures
1897 |
| Terre ancestrale seigneurie de DeMaures
1898 |
| Testament Eugene Whissell
1899 |
| The 3 Whissell brothers Eugène, Georges, Edgar Whissell
1900 |
| The Ridge Family : Richard, Diane, Monica, Chad